Heavy Weather / Loss at Sea
Comprehensive root cause investigative and documentation services for all types and vessels
Shifted Cargo Claims
Nature, cause and extent of vessel, equipment and cargo damage
Hatch Leakage / Ingress of Water
Nature, cause and extent of moisture damage to containerized, break bulk and dry bulk cargos, outturn and joint follow up surveys to mitigate extent of cargo claim
Liquid Bulk and Fuel Oil Claims
Shortages, overages, off-spec and contamination investigations including sampling and analysis to determine potential source of contamination
First responder, incident investigation, cost mitigation and justification
Personal Injury
Investigation into causation, non-testifying expert, expert witness
Senior Surveyor, Southern California
Senior Surveyor - In Memoriam
Senior Surveyor
Senior Surveyor
Senior Surveyor
Marine Surveyor
Marine Surveyor
Marine Surveyor
Marine Surveyor
Senior Surveyor
Marine Surveyor
Marine Surveyor
595 W. 7th Street, Suite 205
San Pedro, CA 90731-3152
Office: (310) 514-8229
Fax: (310) 507-0139
Email: mail@duncanshoemaker.com
Coverage Area:
San Diego, CA Port Hueneme, CA
Los Angeles, CA Long Beach, CA
110 El Camino Real
Vallejo, CA 94590
Office: (510) 292-0150
Fax: (510) 217-2407
Email: oakmail@duncanshoemaker.com
Coverage Area:
Redwood City, CA San Francisco, CA
Sacramento, CA Eureka, CA
Pittsburg, CA Benicia, CA
Oakland, CA Richmond, CA
Stockton, CA
506 2nd Avenue, Suite 1400
Seattle, WA 98104
Office: (206) 939-0049
Fax: (206) 903-1021
Email: pnwmail@duncanshoemaker.com
Coverage Area:
Seattle, WA Tacoma, WA
Portland, OR Vancouver, Canada Anacortes, WA Port Angeles, WA
Grays Harbor, WA Longview, WA
Astoria, OR Coos Bay, OR
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